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03/31/2001 08:52 AM by Paulo Hermanny; Corparate Governance and Contract Theory
You should try look the work of Prof. Jean Tirole in the area try: look to Prof. Tirole article in corporate govenance, and will should find what you need, however is more
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04/20/2000 10:57 AM by Szu-Wen Chou; corporate governance
Hi Denile, Do you have any specific problem that you are interesting in corporate governance? [View full text and thread]

04/17/2000 10:11 AM by Szu-Wen Chou;
The following paper is a good survey about corporate governance: Shleifer and Vishny, J. of Finance, June 1997,"A Aurvey of Corporate Governance". You can find the relative literature about applying game theory to this topic in the reference.

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04/10/2000 03:28 AM by Daniel Johanson; corporate governance
I am a PhD student from Sweden doing research in corporate governance. I am considering the possibility of applying game theory to corporate governance. I am curious of what contributions game theory could achieve in this area. Can [View full text and thread]