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Respond to the question: Competition Cournot competitors Reven?

02/15/2001 11:02 PM by Rodrigo; Cournot and competition
I don't know exactly what you mean by "revenue destruction". I suggest, however, a very nice book by Xavier VIVES, "Oligopoly Pricing" (MIT Press, 1999). You'll find a chapter on Cournot model of quantity competition.
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02/15/2001 05:28 AM by Brandon; What do you mean by revenue destruction?
Hi! I have not come across the term "revenue destruction" during my course of study. Would you care to enlighten me a little pls? Perhaps, I'll then take a look at your question again and see if I can find out anything. :) [View full text and thread]

02/14/2001 08:32 AM by name withheld; Competition- Cournot competitors & Revenue destruction effect
In my econ class, we were discussing Cournot Quantity markets for oligopoly markets. As the number of Cournot competitors in a market increases, the price generally falls. I was wondering how does this apply to the revenue destruction [View full text and thread]

02/14/2001 08:28 AM by name withheld; Competition- Cournot competitors & Revenue destruction effect
In my econ class, we were discussing Cournot Quantity markets for oligopoly markets. As the number of Cournot competitors in a market increases, the price generally falls. I was wondering how does this apply to the revenue destruction effect. [Manage messages]